BLINKERED is a cross-disciplinary piece that invites you to listen, see and challenge your biases through an array of narratives. It breaks down the single story told about Africa. By way of story sound, music, video and performance it suggests a humane alternative to the prevailing stereotypes.
BLINKERED was created with and for Wanjiku Victoria Seest in Close Encounters, Embodied Journeys by Julienne Doko produced with Dansehallerne @Den Frie, June 2023.
Idé og Medvirkende Wanjiku Victoria Seest (Feat. Kibby the Freak)
Manuscript Wanjiku Victoria Seest, Gathoni wa Wairura
Dramaturg Gathoni wa Wairura
Instruktør Delia Trice
Musik, Lyddesign, Video Kibby the Freak, Brian Opendo
Iscenesættelse og scenografi Delia Trice
Kostumer og rekvisitter Wanjiku Victoria Seest, Gathoni wa Wairura, Delia Trice
Manuscript Wanjiku Victoria Seest, Gathoni wa Wairura
Dramaturg Gathoni wa Wairura
Instruktør Delia Trice
Musik, Lyddesign, Video Kibby the Freak, Brian Opendo
Iscenesættelse og scenografi Delia Trice
Kostumer og rekvisitter Wanjiku Victoria Seest, Gathoni wa Wairura, Delia Trice
Pictures and trailer video by Christian Brems